Hertfordshire Knights Templar

Provincial Priory of Hertfordshire


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This is the website of the Provincial Priory for the Province of Hertfordshire

I'm very pleased to welcome you to the website for the Provincial Priory of Hertfordshire and hope you find it helpful and informative. The full title of the Order is The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas, but most Masons know it simply as 'KT' or 'Knights Templar'. Candidates for membership must already be Craft and Royal Arch Masons, and also profess to the Trinitarian Christian Faith.

There are two degrees in the Order, Namely - Knights Templar and Knights of Malta.

The first being carried out at the Preceptory that you join and the second at a special meeting of which 3 Preceptories in the Province carry out.

We utilise the history and practices of the medieval Knights Templar as a basis for our ceremonies, although we have no direct link with those "Knights of Old". The Great Priory of the United Orders, which is based in London, manages the Order, via a number of Provinces or Provincial Priories throughout England and Wales and many other parts of the world.

A Province is made up of a number of private units called Preceptories. In Hertfordshire there are 16 Preceptories meeting at various Masonic Halls in many towns throughout the County. Their locations all are listed within this website together with the contact details of their Registrars.

I hope that in visiting this site, either as a member or interested visitor, that you will enjoy the content and gain a greater understanding of the United Orders and our activities.

If you are a Master Mason and a Royal Arch Mason and are interested in joining the Order of Knights Templar then email the Province using the following link Contact Vice-Chancellor (more information about the Preceptories and Hertfordshire Masonic Centres are contained in the website).

R.E.Kt A D White
Provincial Prior

Provincial Prior

R.E. Kt. Alastair White was installed as the Provincial Prior for Hertfordshire by the Most ...

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Provincial Sub-Prior

V.E.Kt. Michael Beaty was appointed to the office of Provincial Sub-Prior on ...

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Provincial Vice-Chancellor

Appointed to the office of Vice-Chancellor in ....

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Provincial Marshal

E.Kt. Lester Wellington was appointed Provincial Marshal by ...

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KT Weekend Away 2025

St George's day dinner 2025

Annual Service of Praise2025

Provincial Priory 2024

Annual Service of Praise 2025

18th May 2025

Annual Provincial Service of Praise

The Abbey Church,
Waltham Abbey,

The Annual Provincial Service of Praise will be held at The Abbey Church, Waltham, at 3.00 p.m. on Sunday 18th May 2025. Each Preceptory in the Province is reminded to make arrangements for at least a Banner Bearer to be in attendance to represent them. There will be no need to bring any poles. Make this a memorable event for the Province and attend with your family. There will be the opportunity for refreshments afterwards.

St George's Day Dinner 2025

27th April 2025

Open to all Hertfordshire Knights and their guests, masonic and non-masonic, including ladies, but each application must be in the name of a Knight who is a subscribing member of a Preceptory in the Province of Hertfordshire. Places will be allocated strictly on a first received (correctly completed application form and payment) basis. No paying on the night.
Closing date for applications is Monday 14th April 2025

KT Weekend Away 2025

7th - 9th March 2025

POI 2025

February 2025

The next Provincial Preceptory of Improvement is scheduled to take place on Sunday 2nd February 2025.

Just because Christmas is a matter of just over 3 weeks away, that doesn't mean you have to put the book down to enjoy yourself.

Temple Dinsley's new Knight

28th November 2024

That, my brother Knights, is that as far as the calendar year goes. Finished by a fantastic evening at Temple Dinsley Preceptory 283 to witness their Eminent Preceptor Mike Beaty, who also happens to be the Very Eminent Provincial Sub-Prior, install the newest Knight in the Province, Kt. Chris Luscombe. The Charge ably given by E.Kt. Iain Green and the Symbols by Kt. Hamish Haddow, a member of the Bodyguard.

Kt. Andrew Andy Burletson received his Great Priory Certificate which were presented by R.E.Kt. Alastair White, Provincial Prior.

The Festive Board was full of merriment and mirth. The Preceptory was pleased to announce that they wish to donate the sum of £500 to the Province's Centenary Appeal.

From Left to Right;
R.E.Kt. Alastair White, Provincial Prior; Kt. Chris Luscombe; V.E.Kt. Michael Beaty, ProvincialSub - Prior; E.Kt. Lester Wellington, Provincial Marshal

Malta Degree at Crossed Swords 618

13th November 2024

Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures

The meeting of the bodyguard Preceptory, Crossed Swords 618, took place yesterday and they were tasked to install 9 Brother Knights into the Malta degree on behalf of the Province of Hertfordshire.

The Right Eminent Provincial Prior, Alastair White, was in attendance with his Escort and Bodyguard, to witness the ceremony. Having opened the Preceptory in the first instance to conduct the Preceptory business where a very generous donation of £1,000 towards the celebration of the Provinces' 100th year Anniversary in 2033, was pledged. The Crossed Swords Priory was then opened.

Nearly every Knight in attendance was put to work in way or another which culminated in a fantastic ceremony for the Candidates. The Brother Knights enjoyed a drink or two in the bar before entering the Dining Hall for the Festive Board.

St. George's Day Dinner

27th April 2025

Today saw the 18th year Anniversary of the St. George's Day Dinner which started in 2006. The event took place at the Halsey Hall, Cheshunt. It was a sell out evening with 125 booked in to dine and celebrate St George's Day.

Everyone present had a wonderful evening celebrating St George through fine dining, Stand-up Bingo and a great singalong of our favourite anthems and Old Time Music Hall classics!! The fantastic Gemma corralled the audience with wonderful renditions of old time favourites and anthems.

Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures

Macleod Meeting 20th Sept 2024

Investiture of Provincial Priory Officers

A wonderful meeting of the Macleod Preceptory 463 yesterday which not only saw the installation of a new Preceptor and Prior in the guise of V.E.Kt. Gavin O'Sullivan but the Right Eminent Provincial Prior had the pleasure of investing Officers of Provincial Prior.

Special POI

7th July 2024

Sunday mornings between 10am and noon on the first Sunday of the months February, March, April, June, September, October, November and December are the times the Provincial POI, held under the Banner of the Macleod Preceptory, meets at the Radlett Masonic Hall. Today, albeit the first Sunday of the month, the Provincial POI was held especially for Preceptory Marshals and their Deputies.

Concentrating on the responsibilities, duties and often made mistakes the POI started the attendees being tasked to find the common mistakes that are made in setting up the Preceptory ready for a meeting. The Provincial Marshal and Deputy Provincial Marshal set up the Preceptory before the attendees arrived. However, if something could be wrong, we made sure it was! Then in small groups were taken into the Preceptory to note the mistakes they could find - without using their books or any layout plan. On the whole everybody did well, all groups correctly identifying between 60 - 70% of the mistakes present.

Part I of the ceremony was performed, highlighting the Marshal's duties and responsibilities to the Candidate during the same, not forgetting those moments that are frequently not performed properly and other matters explained fully as to why we do it a certain way.

At the end of the meeting E.Kt. Bob Chilvers thanked the POI Preceptors, E.Kt. Lester Wellington, Provincial Marshal and E.Kt. Roy Bishop, Deputy Provincial Marshal for organising the POI for the Marshals. Eleven of the fifteen Preceptories were represented.

SJEHG Talk at Provincial Priory

27th June 2024

Brother Knights, for those who were unable to be at Provincial Priory last week, please take the opportunity to watch a video of the guest speaker, Harriet Wheeler, Executive Head of the UK Office of the SJEHG.

Centenary Appeal

22nd June 2023


'm very pleased to welcome you to the Provincial Centenary Appeal for Hertfordshire. The launch of the Provincial Priory of Hertfordshire Centenary Appeal took place at the Annual meeting of Provincial Priory on Thursday 22nd June 2023.

The appeal has been kick-started with a hefty donation of £2000 from the Province followed by a further donation of £1000 from the Preceptory of Jacques de Molay, No.670. The Provincial Prior was also delighted to be able to present the very first lapel badge and certificate to the Provincial Sub-Prior, V.E. Kt. Mike Beaty.

Provincial Priory Ranks Announced

22nd March 2024

The R.E. Provincial Prior is pleased to appoint his Provincial officers for the year 2024 to 2025.

In addition, the R.E. Provincial Prior is further pleased to announce a number of Brother Knights receiving First Appointments to Past Rank and Promotions to Past rank.

Congratulations to all those receiving their preferment.

I am sure you would be pleased to join the R. E. Provincial Prior in congratulating and supporting all those receiving honours at the Provincial meeting on 27 June 2024 at the Metropolitan Club, Bushey, Watford and hopes that as many of you as possible will be able to attend when they will be invested with their new ranks.

Great Priory Ranks Announced

4th March 2024

The R.E. Provincial Prior, Alastair White, is pleased to announce that the ME & Supreme Grand Master has honoured the Province with promotion in, or appointment to, Great Priory rank for Hertfordshire Knights.

The R.E. Provincial Prior is sure you will wish to join him in offering your hearty congratulations to these Brother Knights, and hopes that as many of you as possible will be able to attend the Great Priory meeting on Wednesday 15 May 2024, when they will be invested with their new ranks.

Annual Church Service

18th May 2025

Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures

This afternoon we returned to Waltham Abbey for our Annual Service of Praise, which took place a week later than normal due to a wedding being held on our normal date. As usual, we brought the sunshine with us, and a sizeable congregation of Knights of the Province and their families and friends filled the church.

Rev Peter Smith, who has taken our services since we first held them at Waltham Abbey over ten years ago, is unfortunately unwell currently, but we received a very warm welcome from Rev Jane Yeadon and her staff. We send our best wishes to Rev Peter for a speedy recovery.

We were most fortunate to have the Deputy Great Almoner, E. Kt. Rev Niall Johnston, who is also the Provincial Prelate for London, lead the service for us, which he did magnificently. Rev Niall, who is very closely associated with the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group gave a very interesting sermon, based on the reading - the parable of the Good Samaritan - which included the latest updates on the work of the SJEHG in the Holy Land, and in particular, about Maysoun, our sponsored nurse through the #hertscentenaryappeal

After the service, we adjourned to the Church Hall for afternoon tea, where I presented Rev Jane with a cheque for £300 on behalf of the Province, to go towards the Church Funds, which was very warmly received.

On behalf of the Provincial Sub-Prior and myself, I offer our sincere thanks and congratulations to the Provincial Marshal, Deputy Marshal and the Bodyguard, and the Provincial Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and Treasurer for their hard work in organising a wonderful service, and to all those who were able to attend and enjoy the day.

Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures

Provincial Priory Hertfordshire

27th June 2024

Provincial Priory will be held at the Metropolitan Sports Club in Bushey on Thursday 27th June 2024.

The appointment of the ensuing year's Provincial Officers will take place and the welcoming of the many visiting dignitaries from other Provinces, many of whom had travelled great distances to be with us. We should once again be in awe of the Bodyguard with their meticulous drill displaying a marvellous attention to detail, thus enhancing and complementing a complex and superbly organised pageant.

Calling Notice and Booking Form
Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures

Provincial Priory 2024

27th June 2024

Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures

On Thursday 27th June, we were blessed with our usual glorious weather (and luckily no repeat of the 2016 monsoon of biblical proportions...!) for our Annual Meeting of Provincial Priory, which was held once again at the Metropolitan Club, Bushey.

Knights from Provinces across the country joined with Knights from Happy Hertfordshire to take part in the meeting.

In addition to the investing those receiving Appointments and Reappointments to, and Promotions in Provincial Office, I was very pleased to present members of the Provincial Bodyguard with their new swords. These swords have been purchased following an extremely generous donation from one of our Knights, who wishes to remain anonymous, and were put into immediate service at the meeting. Look out for them when the Bodyguard visits your Preceptory over the coming months!

I was also pleased to present V.E. Kt. Terry Deakin with a certificate marking his 40 Years' Service to the Order, which was a closely guarded secret that took him completely by surprise!

At dinner, we were joined by Harriet Wheeler, Executive Head of the UK Office of the SJEHG - see my separate post regarding the Centenary Appeal for details. My sincere thanks and congratulations to all who were involved in the planning and delivery of the day, including those who came to Bushey the night before the meeting to set up the Temple, and those who acted as "meet-and-greet" in reception on the day, in addition, of course, to the Provincial Vice-Chancellor, the Provincial Marshal and the Bodyguard. A great day was had by all.

On behalf of the Provincial Sub-Prior and I, we offer our congratulations to those who received Honours, and I look forward to investing you with your Malta ranks at the Macleod meeting in September.

Preceptory of Improvement

1st September 2024

The Preceptory of Improvement is scheduled to re-open from 1st September 2024 and onwards on the first Sundays in September, October, November, December, February, March, April & June. The POI is held under the banner of the Macleod Preceptory 463 at the Radlett Masonic Hall, The Rose Walk, Radlett WD7 7JS.

ALL knights welcome whether you are new or indeed a great Priory officer! It starts at 10am and is expected to last about 2 hours. Please bring your sword, scabbard and belt. The POI would be appreciated by those Knights who are new to the Order; wish to hone their sword drill; taking office; approaching the Chair; Preceptory Marshals and members of the Bodyguard. In fact, EVERYBODY!

Christmas Day Message from REPP

3rd December 2024

Christmas Day Observance

25th December 2024


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Preceptory of Improvement is held on the first Sunday of the months: February; March; April; June; September; October; November and December. It is held under the Banner of the Macleod Preceptory #463 at the Radlett Masonic Hall at 10am sharp. Bring your sword and belt. ALL welcome.

7th - 9th March 2025

KT Weekend Away 2025

St George's Day Dinner 2025

27th April 2025

Open to all Hertfordshire Knights and their guests, masonic and non-masonic, including ladies, but each application must be in the name of a Knight who is a subscribing member of a Preceptory in the Province of Hertfordshire. Places will be allocated strictly on a first received (correctly completed application form and payment) basis. No paying on the night.
Closing date for applications is Monday 14th April 2025

Annual Service of Praise 2025

18th May 2025

Annual Provincial Service of Praise

The Abbey Church,
Waltham Abbey,

The Annual Provincial Service of Praise will be held at The Abbey Church, Waltham, at 3.00 p.m. on Sunday 18th May 2025. Each Preceptory in the Province is reminded to make arrangements for at least a Banner Bearer to be in attendance to represent them. There will be no need to bring any poles. Make this a memorable event for the Province and attend with your family. There will be the opportunity for refreshments afterwards.

Provincial Centenary Appeal

1933 - 2033

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I'm very pleased to welcome you to the Provincial Centenary Appeal for Hertfordshire. The launch of the Provincial Priory of Hertfordshire Centenary Appeal took place at the Annual meeting of Provincial Priory on Thursday 22nd June 2023.

The appeal has been kick-started with a hefty donation of £2000 from the Province followed by a further donation of £1000 from the Preceptory of Jacques de Molay, No.670. The Provincial Prior was also delighted to be able to present the very first lapel badge and certificate to the Provincial Sub-Prior, V.E. Kt. Mike Beaty.

What has been raised?

The Province of Hertfordshire was reconstituted in 1933.

To mark the landmark of our Centenary in 2033, I have committed the Province to raise the sum of £100,000 over the next ten years in aid of the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group.

Each year, the funds raised will be used to sponsor a Theatre Nurse at the St John Gaza Hospital.

In 2022, the number of outpatients seen at St John Eye Hospital Group facilities reached 142,876, an increase of 8,876 from the 134,000 seen in 2021. Furthermore, the St John Hospital Group, whose mission is the provision of essential eye care to all people in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem, regardless of ethnicity, faith or ability to pay.

This incredible an life-changing work could not be achieved without the commitment and generosity of donors such as you and that is why I am asking you for your help by committing to donate £500 over ten years.

In economically challenging times, I am well aware that the sum of £500 sounds like a big ask, but a regular donation of just £5 a month, spread over 100 months, will enable us to reach the target that I have set. Furthermore, by making full use of the Gift Aid Scheme, we can maximise our donations to make a real difference to those whose debilitating eye conditions would otherwise go untreated.

Each Knight pledging to donate £500 will receive a Centenary Lapel Badge and Certificate recognising their commitment to support this Centenary Appeal.

The easiest way to make a regular payment or a one-off donation is via the MCF webpage:

  • Visit donate.mcf.org.uk/donate/
  • Select donate to a Relief Chest
  • Select either a Regular or a Single Donation
  • Enter Relief Chest Number KT1074
  • Enter details of your donation
After you have made your donation or if you have any enquiries regarding payments please contact V.E.Kt. Mike Stanforth at Scribee@uwclub.net

Single payments can be made by using the QR Code below

R.E.Kt A D White
Provincial Prior

Provincial Prior

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R.E. Kt. Alastair White was installed as the Provincial Prior for Hertfordshire by the Most Eminent & Supreme Grand Master, Paul Raymond Clement G.C.T. on Thursday 2nd September 2021.

He was installed as a Knight of the Order in The Harold Devereux Still Preceptory No. 543 in October 2006, and subsequently served two years as Eminent Preceptor between 2011 and 2013.

Appointed to the Provincial Prior's Bodyguard in 2008, he served as a member until 2012, when he received his first Provincial Appointment to the rank of Past Provincial Standard Bearer (V.B.) when he was also appointed Deputy Commander of the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard. He continued in that role until his appointment as Provincial Vice-Chancellor in 2015.

In May 2016, he was appointed to the active Great Priory rank of Deputy Great Sword Bearer and was privileged to act as the Great Sword Bearer for the Installation of the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master the following year.

He served for six years as Provincial Vice-Chancellor, before being selected to succeed R.E. Kt. Tony Lapsley, K.C.T. as Provincial Prior, which he considers to be the highlight of his Masonic career.

Provincial Sub-Prior

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V.E.Kt. Michael Beaty was appointed to the office of Provincial Sub-Prior on 23rd June 2022.

He was Installed as a Knight of the Order in the Stuart Preceptory No.28 on 26th February 1990, taking his Malta degree on 27th June 1990, and was Installed as Eminent Preceptor on 18th October 1999, going on to serve as Deputy Marshal, then Marshal for 9 years, until his appointment as Provincial Marshal in 2012.

He received his first Provincial Appointment as Provincial Standard Bearer (V.B.) in 2000 and was promoted to Provincial 1st Constable in 2005 and to Provincial Marshal in 2012. He was also the Provincial Warden of Regalia from 2010 until his appointment as Provincial Sub-Prior in 2022.

In 2006 he joined the Macleod Preceptory No.463, serving as Eminent Preceptor in 2021, and in 2015 joined the Charles Herbert Perram Preceptory No.409. In 2014 he was elected an Honorary Member of the Temple Dinsley Preceptory No.283, rescinding this in 2019 to become a member in order to take office and assist in the re-building of the Preceptory

He received his first appointment in Great Priory in 2009 when he was appointed and invested as Past Great Warden of Regalia. Promoted to Past Great Standard Bearer (B) in 2015, he was further Promoted to Past Great Registrar in 2020.

Provincial Vice-Chancellor

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P.Gt.W. of R. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur et adipiscing elit. Praesent eleifend dignissim arcu, at eleifend sapien imperdiet ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent urna nisi, fringila lorem et vehicula lacinia quam. Integer sollicitudin mauris nec lorem luctus ultrices. Aliquam libero et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras viverra ligula sit amet ex mollis mattis lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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Provincial Marshal

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E.Kt. Lester Wellington was appointed Provincial Marshal by the Right Eminent Provincial Prior, Alastair White, on 23rd June 2022 having served as Deputy Provincial Marshal in the previous year. E.Kt. lester Wellington runs the Provincial Preceptory of Improvement held on the first sunday of each month excluding January, May, July and August.

E.Kt. Lester Wellington was installed to the Order in February 2015 in the Preceptory of Saint Alban 266. He was immediately drawn towards the Provincial Prior's Bodyguard as something he would love to be involved with. Joining the Bodyguard in June 2015, took his Malta degree at the Crossed Swords Preceptory in November of that year and served for 2 years as a Knight on the Bodyguard, after which he was appointed as the Deputy Bodyguard Commander, a post he held for four years before being appointed to Provincial rank as Deputy Marshal. Lester was installed as Eminent Preceptor of the Preceptory of Saint Alban 266 under the Rule of Six during the COVID pandemic in October 2020 and remained in the Chair for the year 2021-22 where he installed his successor.

Preceptory Of Improvement

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This is held, under the leadership and guidance of the Provincial Marshal, E.Kt. Lester Wellington, at The Masonic Hall, The Rose Walk, Radlett, Herts. WD7 7JS.

Commencing at 10.00am on the first Sunday of the months of February, March, April, June, September, October, November and December.

It has been formed for the purpose of helping the Knights of the Province to learn and practise the drill and ritual, and so improve the standards throughout the Preceptories in the Province of Hertfordshire.

A Drill session is held during every P of I and is particularly beneficial to those Knights who have recently come into the Order.

Being a Military Order, Knights Templar is very different to most other Masonic Orders, in that members have to use a sword, perform drill, and work as part of a team. Knights probably remember being seated in the Preceptory after their Installation, and then, together with the other Knights present, being called on to come to order, to pray, and to take part in the closing of the Preceptory (this all being totally new to them). Most Knights then go off home and come to the next meeting, not having received any instruction in the drill, but having to perform it, some of which they had never seen before.
Being taught the drill at P of I, and practising it, enables them to attend meetings knowing what they are doing, and why, and feeling much more confident and at ease.

A ceremony of the Installation of a Knight is usually performed at each P of I. The Officers having been nominated at the previous P of I by the Provincial Marshal or his Deputy. Preference is given to Officers who want to practise their role in a forthcoming ceremony in their Preceptory. This is particularly so for EminentPreceptors and Marshals, but includes everyone through from Captain of Guards to Constable.
An effort is made to involve all Knights present, and if numbers permit, to include Guarding the Sepulchre and an Arch of Steel. If any Knight wants to practise a particular role, or part of the ritual, he should make this known to the Provincial Marshal at the previous P of I.

An important part of the instruction involves explaining the roles of each office, and the reasons and meaning of both drill and the ritual. This therefore hopefully means that there is something to be gained by everyone attending.
Ever increasing attendance figures show how beneficial Knights find the P of I and it is hoped that more and more Knights will take advantage of joining in Knightly Brotherhood, and increasing their knowledge and enjoyment of this wonderful Order.

Lester Wellington
Provincial Marshal
07956 523060
Contact Page


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Who are the Hertfordshire Pilgrims?

An enthusiastic and happy band of Knights (formerly pilgrims) formed to travel around the Province to assist and support Preceptories in.need, by swelling their attendance, taking office for the meeting, assisting in ritual, or whatever else isrequired.

Please enrol to receive a list of dates and meeting details, then a summons for each meeting. You can support whenever you choose with no obligation to attend meetings other than those you select.


Hertfordshire Pilgrims

- Download an Application for Membership
- For further Information please click this link - Contact the Pilgrims - (you must be a member of the Order already)

Precepts of
the Order

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Love, honour and fear God, walk after his commandments.

Maintain and defend the Christian Faith and the honour, dignity and interests of our Order.

Be loyal to your Sovereign, dutiful to the Grand Master and obedient to those who rule over you.

Prefer honour to wealth.

Be just and true in word and deed.

Give no willing cause of offence to any; but, while opposing wrong and injustice, deport yourselves courteously and gently.

Assist the distressed, the widow and the fatherless.

Eschew all debasing employment, recreation and company; abhor pride and selfishness and so raise the standard of chivalrous honour, striving for the welfare of your Brethren

Active Officers
in the Province

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The Provincial Executive,
Officers and Bodyguard
for the Year 2024/25


Province reconstituted 8th November 1933 by the M E and S Grand Master Field-Marshal HRH the Duke of Connaught and Strathearne KG

R.E.Kt. Alastair D White

V.E.Kt. M D Beaty, P.Gt.Reg.

E.Kt. J D Roberts, P.Gt.Her.
5 Priory Gate, Thomas Rochford Way, Cheshunt, Herts EN8 0SG
01992 444689

E.Kt. R Madoc, P.Gt.W. of R.

E.Kt. L D Wellington,
07956 523060

V.E.Kt. E Misselke, P.Gt.Reg.
16, Lakeside, Enfield, Middlesex  EN2 7NN
0208 363 0410

E.Kt. M Trembling



V.E.Kt. M D Beaty, P.Gt.Reg.


V.E.Kt. B S Searle P.Gt.Her.


E.Kt. J D Roberts, P.Gt.Her.

1st Constable

E.Kt. C P M Mootien

2nd Constable

E.Kt. M Pateman


V.E.Kt. E F H Misselke, P.Gt.Reg.


E.Kt. M Trembling


E.Kt. S R Madoc P.Gt.W. of R.


E.Kt. L D Wellington

Deputy Marshal

E.Kt. R Bishop


V.E.Kt. L J B Butler, P.Gt.Reg.


E.Kt. S Hammond
E.Kt. P Poullais

Standard Bearer (B)

E.Kt. M Williams

Standard Bearer (VB)

E.Kt. P Child

Banner Bearer

E.Kt. A Allen

Sword Bearer

E.Kt. P Thompson


E.Kt. K Dickson
E.Kt. C Goodrum

Warden of Regalia

E.Kt. M Pateman P.Prov.St.B.(V.B.)

Captain of Guards

Kt. J Thorne


Kt. K Burgess


E.Kt. M Wallace P.Prov.St.B.(B.)

Prior's Bodyguard

E.Kt. Carlton PATTERSON, P.Prov.B.B.

E.Kt. John FENOUGHTY, P.Prov.Swd.B.

E.Kt. Dennis HOLMES


Kt. K Papadopolous, Kt. M Lowe, Kt. T Papanaklis, Kt. G Bilc,
Kt. D Humphreys, Kt. G Gonourie, Kt. H Haddow, Kt. A Handley,
Kt. P Fairhurst, Kt. A Jarvis, Kt. R Yarker, Kt. S. Baverstock

Prior's Bodyguard

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E.Kt. Carlton PATTERSON, P.Prov.B.B.

E.Kt. John FENOUGHTY, P.Prov.Swd.B.

E.Kt. Dennis HOLMES


Kt. K Papadopolous, Kt. M Lowe, Kt. T Papanaklis, Kt. G Bilc,
Kt. D Humphreys, Kt. G Gonourie, Kt. H Haddow, Kt. A Handley,
Kt. P Fairhurst, Kt. A Jarvis, Kt. R Yarker, Kt. S. Baverstock

What is the Bodyguard?

The Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard is a team of Knights drawn from Preceptories in the Province of Hertfordshire, who provide ceremonial duties when the Provincial Prior is visiting a Preceptory, and at the Annual Meeting of Provincial Priory, and the Provincial Service of Praise.

When the Provincial Prior formally visits a Preceptory, members of the Bodyguard attend and form an Arch of Steel for his Procession in, and the Recession out of, the Preceptory. At the Annual Meeting of Provincial Priory, and the Service of Praise, they perform a variety of other tasks to generally assist the Provincial Marshal with the physical arrangements on the day.

Membership of the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard is by invitation, and selection of New Knights to join this select team takes place annually, usually in March or April. Nominations can made by Preceptory Registrars and Marshals. A Knight’s membership of The Bodyguard ceases when he receives Provincial Rank. A member of the Bodyguard must also be a Knight of Malta.

Past and Present members of the Bodyguard have the privilege of being able to join the >Bodyguard Preceptory – Crossed Swords No 618.

Individual members can enjoy the close bond of friendship that Bodyguard membership generates, and they witness and take part in the Temple and Malta ceremonies on a more frequent basis than they would if only attending their own Preceptory or Priory. This assists them to pass through the offices of their own Preceptories, and benefits those Preceptories by having more experienced, capable, and dedicated officers.

Official Visits

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Temple Chelsin
Hertingfordbury PPRIOR


Joseph Moffett
Watford VEPSP

Radlett REPP

St John the Evangelist
St Albans REPP

Royston VEPSP

Joseph Moffett
Watford REPP

Harold Devereux Still
Radlett REPP

Watford REPP

Crossed Swords
Hertingfordbury REPP

Temple Dinsley
Letchworth REPP



Harold Devereux Still

John F Cleeves

Preceptory of Saint Alban
St Albans

Standon Priory

St John the Evangelist
St Albans

Temple Chelsin

John F


Temple Dinsley



Crossed Swords


Preceptory of Saint Alban
St Albans

Standon Priory

Temple Chelsin

Preceptories in Hertfordshire

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Meeting at :
Halsey Masonic Hall,
WD18 0JE


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Meeting at
Halsey Masonic Hall,


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Preceptory of
Saint Alban


Meeting at :
Ashwell House,
67 Verulam Road,
St Albans

Keystone Preceptory

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Meeting at :
Mayflower Place
Masonic Centre,
Mayflower Place,
SG14 2LH

Keystone Preceptory

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St John the


Meeting at :
Ashwell House,
67 Verulam Road,
St Albans


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Meeting at :
The Cloisters,
Barrington Road,


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John F


Meeting at :
Halsey Masonic Hall,


Read more



Meeting at :
Halsey Masonic Hall,
WD18 0JE


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Charles Herbert Perram


Meeting at :
The Masonic Hall,

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Meeting at :
Masonic Hall,


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Meeting at :
The Masonic Hall,


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Meeting at :
The Masonic Hall,


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Still 543


Meeting at :
The Masonic Hall,


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Standon Priory


Meeting at :
Masonic Hall,
CM21 9AJ


Read more



Meeting at :
Mayflower Place
Masonic Centre,
SG14 2LH


Read more

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Crossed Swords

Consecrated 5th May 1999

Meeting at :
Mayflower Place Masonic Centre,
SG14 2LH

Contact Registrar: E.Kt. Dennis Holmes

Tel: 07958 356009

Regular Meetings:
2nd Wednesday November
1st Tuesday May Priory of Malta:
2nd Wednesday November

Masonic Venues

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Halsey Masonic Hall,
Walnut Tree House,
Turner's Hill,


Mayflower Place,
SG14 2LH


The Cloisters,
Barrington Road,


Temple Dinsley 283


The Masonic Hall,
The Rose Walk,


The Masonic Hall,
Jepps Lane,


Royston 416


The Masonic Hall,
Vantorts Road,
CM21 9AJ


Standon Priory 581

St Albans

Ashwell House,
167 Verulam Road,
St Albans,


Halsey Masonic Hall,
Rickmansworth Road,
WD18 0JE

A Short History of the First Fifty Years of the Knight Templar Province of Hertfordshire

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(with acknowledgement to E Kt Prof. Reinhardt Waldsax)

The Province first came into existence in 1840 with the formation of Watford Encampment under the guidance of William Stuart Sen., who subsequently ruled the Province as Provincial Grand Commander. In 1861, William Stuart became Grand Master of the Order and appointed George Francis as his successor in Hertfordshire, at the same time sanctioning that Watford Encampment should be known as Stuart Encampment. Francis remained as Provincial Grand Commander until his death in 1879 and it would seem that the Province died with him, there being no recorded minutes of the Province’s existence after this time.

Stuart Encampment, which had been renamed Stuart Preceptory, struggled on.

In the meantime, a ruling had been established that a Province must have a minimum of three Preceptories, and consequently a concerted effort was made in 1930 by Stuart Preceptory to form two new Preceptories – one at St. Albans and another in the Hertford region. As a result, the Preceptory of St. Alban, No. 266 was Consecrated later that year, followed by Temple Chelsin Preceptory, No. 269 a year later in 1931.

With three Preceptories now in existence, overtures were made by Stuart Preceptory to the Grand Master’s Council for a new Provincial Priory of Hertfordshire to be formed.

They replied that they thought the interests of the Order would best be served by the union of the two Provinces of Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. This decision was met with considerable opposition from the three Preceptories, and after a considerable amount of manoeuvring, official confirmation came on 20th May 1933 that the Grand Master had sanctioned the formation of the Province of Hertfordshire and that VE Kt John F. Cleeves, KCT, PGtHer was to be the new Provincial Prior.

The new Province was subsequently Constituted at the Chancery of the Orders, Great Queen Street, on November 8th 1933 by the M.E.& Supreme Pro Grand Master, The Rt.Hon. The Earl of Harewood, KG, DSO, GCT and the Provincial Prior appointed the Rev.Bernard W. Harvey as his Sub-Prior.

Two more Preceptories quickly followed, St. John the Evangelist, No. 281 at Barnet in 1936 and Temple Dinsley, No. 283 at Hitchin the following year. With the advent of War, the Province met from 1940 to 1945 at Duke Street and dined occasionally at the Café Royal.

In 1946/7 the Provincial Prior, due to old age and showing signs of ill-health, decided that he would retire from office in 1948, and his last duty immediately prior to the Installation of his successor, his Sub-Prior, the Rev Bernard William Harvey, was to Consecrate the John F. Cleeves Preceptory, No. 315, a fitting tribute to the memory of his name. The Consecration took place at the Café Royal on 31st January 1948 and was followed later in the day by the Installation of the Rev. Harvey as Provincial Prior, by the Grand Master, the Most Eminent and Supreme Knight, the Hon. Lord Harris, M.C., D.L. The Sub-Prior appointed was E Kt Henry Clive Huxley.

Regrettably, the new Provincial Prior was unable to carry out his duties due to ill-health and died about a year later resulting in the Hon. Lord Harris returning fourteen months after his last visit to Install E Kt Henry Clive Huxley as the third Provincial Prior. This time the ceremony was performed at Duke Street in a rather sombre atmosphere. The Sub-Prior this time was E Kt Jaggard.

The early 1950’s saw the passing of many old stalwarts of the Province including the ‘founding’ Provincial Prior of the re-Constituted Province, VE Kt John F. Cleeves, who died suddenly at the age of 84 years.

With their passing, other names were moving into prominence, such as Tom Norman and Richard (Dickie) Hammond, both of whom were to play a major role later on, and of course, there was also the constant presence of the Rev. Dr. Joseph Moffett, Great Prelate. Indeed, it was to the Rev. Dr. Joseph Moffett that Great Priory turned when in 1954 we saw the resignation from office of the Provincial Prior, VE Kt Henry Clive Huxley, KCT, and the death of his Sub-Prior, P.W.Jaggard. The situation demanded a quick decision, and Great Priory at short notice appointed the Rev. Dr. Joseph Moffett as the new Provincial Prior. Because the Grand Master was unable to attend the date of Provincial Priory, his Installation took place at the Café Royal, London on 17th September 1954 by special Dispensation.

Once again the Hon. Lord Harris was the Presiding and Installing Officer. The new Provincial Prior appointed the Vice-Chancellor, E Kt G.H.Horner, as his Sub Prior and his place was given significantly to E Kt Tom Norman.

The Rev. Dr. Joseph Moffett reigned as Provincial Prior until his death in 1962 and one wonders if his commitment to his pastoral duties as well as those of a Masonic nature had not taken its toll. At his death he was, in addition to being Provincial Prior, Provincial Grand Master in the Craft, Grand Superintendent in the Royal Arch, Provincial Grand Master in the Mark and Provincial Grand Master Designate in the Royal Order of Scotland - surely too much responsibility for one man to bear. His Sub-Prior in Charge, VE Kt G.H.Horner, having apparently expressed a wish to the Grand Master that because of his poor health, he should not be considered for any future role in the Province, it was announced by the Vice-Chancellor, E Kt Thomas William Norman, PGtStB(B) that he had been invited to become the new Provincial Prior.

He was Installed on 13th September 1962 by yet again, the Rt.Hon. Lord Harris, who was still the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, at St. Albans School, Romeland, St. Albans. After the meeting the Knights processed across the way to the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban, where they attended Evensong dressed in full regalia.

With E.Kt. Horner not wishing to continue as Provincial Sub-Prior because of ill health, the new Provincial Prior had appointed E Kt J.D.Perritt to that office and the role of Vice-Chancellor fell to E Kt Dickie Hammond. Thus began a period of expansion in a most active manner, which was to shape the future of the Knights Templar Order in Hertfordshire and was to become the legacy of Tom Norman’s thirteen year’s rule over the Province.

Consecrations of new Preceptories came on a fairly regular basis, the first only a year after his installation on 30th October, when Joseph Moffett Preceptory, No. 383 was consecrated at Watford. It was originally intended that the Preceptory should be centred at Berkhampsted so that it didn’t interfere with any recruiting of members for Stuart Preceptory, but in the end it found itself at Watford, meeting in tandem with Stuart and the two have successfully co-existed side by side ever since.

The next Preceptory followed five years later in 1968 with the Consecration of Charles Herbert Perram Preceptory, No. 409. Interestingly, by consent of the V.E. Provincial Prior of Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford, the Preceptory was consecrated at Luton under the umbrella of the Province of Hertfordshire on 13th February. Tom Norman had earlier been instrumental in the formation of Ampthill Preceptory, the only one in Bedfordshire, and the permission given by our neighbouring Province to encroach upon their territory was a reciprocal gesture. The Preceptory initially met at Luton but moved to Radlett in 1975, where it has been ever since.

Following a call to arms by the Provincial Prior in which he expressed a wish to see Preceptories meeting at Royston, Welwyn, Sawbridgeworth and Hatfield, there was an immediate response, such that on 26th June 1969 Royston Preceptory, No. 416 was consecrated at Cheshunt in conjunction with the meeting of Provincial Priory, and a year later on June 4th 1970 Hatfield Preceptory was consecrated at The Cloisters, Letchworth and which was to meet at the Cranbourne Rooms, Hatfield before it’s move to Radlett in 1976.

The Consecration of MacLeod Preceptory. No. 463, the Past Preceptor’s Preceptory, took place at the Cranbourne Rooms, Hatfield on 23rd September 1975 and this proved to be the swan-song of the R.E. Provincial Prior, for Tom Norman was to die later that year. His had been an amazing career in Knights Templary in Hertfordshire, his reign having seen the number of Preceptories increase from six to eleven and the number of swords from about 180 when he took up office to somewhere in the region of 300 multiple membership at his demise – a truly outstanding achievement. His thirteen years had also seen other significant changes.

Gone were the ‘old brigade’, when it was decided in 1972 that an eye to future progression should see a reappraisal of those holding office in the executive. One of those who had offered his resignation as a result of the new policy was the Sub-Prior, VE Kt Perritt, who had served ten years in that office. In his place E Kt Sid Perry had been appointed and installed at the Provincial Priory meeting.

Following on from the Evensong at St. Albans Cathedral at his Installation, way back in 1962, Church Services in some form or other became a regular feature. These were arranged sometimes in conjunction with the KT Province of Essex, and held at various places in the Province, such as Bray, St. Peter’s Church in St. Albans, Baldock Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin and even further a field such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Holborn Viaduct. Attempts had even been made to organise another Service at the Cathedral, but despite gaining the permission of the Dean, it did not materialise.

With the death of Tom Norman, E Kt Sidney Charles Perry was appointed Provincial Prior and was installed as such on March 26th 1976 by the Very High and Eminent Great Seneschal-in-Charge, Harold Devereux Still, the Grand Master also having passed the previous year.

The new Provincial Sub-Prior was E.Kt. Dr. Alan John Owen. Sid Perry’s approach was one of consolidation following his predecessor’s expansion policy and thus it proved to be, such that at his death in 1981, his ‘family’ of Preceptories, as he called them, were all well established and with the possible exception of MacLeod, which was causing the Provincial Prior some concern, all were reasonably successful. Two significant events were to loom during his last year, although he was not to see the fruition of either of them.

Firstly, plans were well in hand for the Church Service to be held in the Lady Chapel of St.Albans Cathedral, with the Service conducted by the Dean himself, Kt Dr. Moore.

Secondly, moves were afoot to further increase the number of Preceptories in the Province by extending the hand of welcome to Mediterranean Preceptory, No. 37, which was in Malta and experiencing difficulties.

As a result of these and the political situation on the island, it was looking to transfer to England. The other interesting thing of note to occur during Sid Perry’s last year was that new regulations had been issued by Great Priory, and that for the first time Provincial Priors were to be designated ‘Right Eminent’ instead of ‘Very Eminent’.

The transfer of Mediterranean Preceptory, No. 37 took place on New Year’s Day, 1982, and its inauguration occurred a week later on 9th January. One of the first actions taken by the members was to apply to Great Priory for permission to revert back to its original name of ‘Melita’, and this was finally granted. Thus Melita Preceptory, No. 37 became the twelfth in the Province and although numerically taking its place after Stuart, No. 28, the oldest Preceptory of the Province, it can justifiably claim to be the oldest in the Province, having been founded about 1815 and having in its possession a Warrant of Confirmation from the Grand Conclave of England dated 10th May 1850.

E Kt Dr. Alan Owen, Provincial Sub-Prior in Charge was appointed the new Provincial Prior and his installation took place on 16th April 1982 at Cheshunt by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, Harold Devereux Still. He appointed as his Sub-Prior E Kt Frank Blackman, the long serving Vice- Chancellor, whilst his place was given to E Kt Ken Elder. A month later, the Order returned to the Cathedral at St Albans after a gap of twenty years for a Service conducted by the Dean, Kt The Very Rev. Dr. Peter Moore. It was to be some time before it returned again.

The following year saw the 50th anniversary meeting of the Province being held on Wednesday 22nd June at the Cloisters, Letchworth.

The Very High and Right Eminent Great Seneschal, Rt.Hon. The Lord Swansea, was in attendance and commented that Lord Harris, the Past Grand Master, who had played a not too insignificant part in the history of the Province, and who had been Great Seneschal at the time of the Reconstitution of the Province some fifty years ago, was still alive and still a member of our Illustrious Order. The celebrations of the Jubilee Year of the Province could do no better than to couple them with a recognition of his years of magnificent service.

A Painting depicting the
Installation of William Stuart
Grand Master

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When Stuart Preceptory No.28 was approaching it’s 150th anniversary a large painting was found in the basement of Halsey Hall, Watford. It was almost black but a brass plate on it stated it depicted the Installation of William Stuart as Grand Master In 1861. Although in a very dirty state, it can be seen that the painting contains images not just of Knights, but also of horses, armour and banners.

When Kt. Steve Batty was Installed as the Eminent Preceptor in October 2015 he was determined to raise awareness of the painting and to commence some fund raising for the cost of restoring it. This is likely to be in excess of £3000 , a not inconsiderable sum, but well worth raising considering the importance of the painting. At his Installation Steve launched the fund by holding a raffle (which has also been held at every meeting during his year), and donating some regalia to be sold, with the proceeds being donated to the fund. It is hoped that other Preceptories within the Province will recognise the importance of the painting and support Stuart Preceptory’s efforts to raise the money to have it restored. Considering it’s historical importance, it would be good for it to be a project embraced by the Province as a whole, and not just left to Stuart Preceptory.

Bro. Knights and Preceptories of the Province of Hertfordshire, you can help fund this important restoration by sending contributions ( made payable to “Stuart Preceptory No.28) to the Preceptory Registrar.

Mike Beaty P.Gt.Reg, Provincial Sub-Prior

The Warden of Regalia

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As the Provincial Warden of Regalia the purpose of my Office is to advise all members of the Province on the correct regalia to be worn and assist them in obtaining this if required. But it is not just to help candidates and new members, but also to advise and assist Knights on attaining the Chair, and gaining appointments or promotions, both in Provincial Priory and Great Priory.

To carry out the responsibilities of the office correctly, it is essential to study the appropriate sections of the Statutes (165 - 194) as they are compulsory, not advisory.


It is important that Knights obtain the items they will need well in advance to ensure that they are available at the required time.

All items of Knight Templar and Malta Regalia can be obtained new through the Provincial Warden of Regalia at competitive prices, with a donation going to the Provincial Funds.

A Price List/Order Form is available. Items must be paid for on ordering, and ample time should be allowed (preferably at least 4 weeks). There may also be some pre-used items for sale. A full list of Regalia is available on the REGALIA page and informs you of the changes having been installed as a Preceptor, being honoured with Provincial or Great Priory rank.

Knights are advised to ensure that, if they purchase items on the internet from, say, eBay or from other sources, that the items are in compliance with the current issue of the Statutes.

Often regalia from the Order in other countries (particularly the U.S.A.) is being sold and is not the same. Also, there are still many obsolete items being sold, which have a place in a museum, but are not acceptable to wear.

The following is a general guide for the regalia required for a Knight:


Belt with Frog
Sword & Scabbard
Star Jewel
Cross of the Temple Jewel
Malta Cross Jewel (if qualified)


Malta Tunic
Malta Mantle
Belt with Frog (as worn in KT)
Sword & Scabbard (as worn in KT)
Gloves/Gauntlets (as worn in KT or optional Malta ones)
Malta Cross Jewel

Melvyn Pateman P.Prov.St.B.(V.B.)
Provincial Warden of Regalia
07595 599055

Email: Warden of Regalia

Knights Templar

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The full title is The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and its Provinces Overseas. The Order is governed by the ‘Great Priory’ based in Mark Master Masons Hall, London under the command of the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master Paul Raymond Clement, G.C.T.

The qualifications required to become a member are, that a Candidate must be a Master Mason; a Royal Arch Companion, and profess the Christian Faith with a belief in the Holy Trinity.
To become a Knight of Malta, a Brother must first be a Knight Templar. Each Preceptory comprises both a Preceptory of Knights Templar and a Priory of Knights of Malta, each being opened and closed in privacy to carry out the business required to maintain and promote the Orders.

The aims of the Orders are an expansion to those of Freemasonry in general, that inspires its members to an approach to life, which seeks to reinforce thoughtfulness for others, kindness in the community, honesty in business, courtesy in society and fairness in all things. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount; but importantly Freemasonry also teaches and practises concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need. Donations to local and national charities are made by the Preceptories individually. Additionally funds are raised to assist the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital in Jerusalem, which are administered through the Province to a central fund at Great Priory.

The St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group is a Foundation of The Order of St John, the oldest charity in the world.
The Hospital Group is the main provider of eye care in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. In 2014, the hospital treated 114,000 patients – a high percentage under the age of 18. Patients are treated regardless of race, religion or the ability to pay. The ritual has esoteric meaning and invites the candidate to reflect on the meaning of mystical resurrection.

KT Regalia

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The Regalia for a Knight Templar and a Knight of Malta are very different. Changes in parts of the Regalia occur when a Knight is installed as a Preceptor, is honoured with Provincial or Great Priory rank. These are shown below.

To carry out the responsibilities of the office correctly, it is essential to study the appropriate sections of the Statutes (165 - 194) as they are compulsory, not advisory.

It is important that Knights obtain the items they will need well in advance to ensure that they are available at the required time.

Contact the

Warden of Regalia

as he may be able to acquire these items for you or advise you on what you will need.

The following is a general guide for the regalia required:


Belt with Frog
Sword & Scabbard
Star Jewel
Cross of the Temple Jewel
Malta Cross Jewel (if qualified)

Changes on becoming a Preceptor

Patriarchal Cross on Mantle
Crimson hood lining
Crimson cord and tassels
Patriarchal Cross cap badge (silver metal)
Star Jewel with Patriarchal Cross (optional, but desired)

A Preceptor also wears, during the tenure of his Office, a Preceptor’s Cross collar jewel and collarette, and, in his own Preceptory, carries a Baton

A Past Preceptor may wear a Past Preceptor’s Cross collar jewel and collarette, but does not carry a Baton

Changes on Appointment as a Provincial Officer

Provincial Officer’s Sash (black with a single white stripe)
Mantle Badge of Office

Changes on Appointment as a Great Officer

Patriarchal Cross cap badge (gilt metal)
Great Officer’s Sash (black, 3 white stripes, gold fringe)
Mantle Badge of Office

A Prelate, Chaplain and Almoner do not wear a belt, or carry a sword, whilst acting in that office.

All Jewels, Crosses and Stars, when not worn suspended from the neck, shall be placed upon the left breast of the Tunic, but not upon the Red Cross thereon, nor upon the Sash.

The Cross of the Temple shall be placed nearest to the centre of the Tunic, the Cross of Malta next to it and in line, with it further away from the centre, the Star shall be placed below them both, and centrally between them.

The sash should be worn over the right shoulder and under the left arm, and under the Belt with the fringe lying on the outside of the Sword Scabbard.

Knight Templar mantle badges should be applied in the centre of the red cross.


A Great Priory Officer's Badge

Some irregular items to look out for -

Belt & Frog - Must be brown with a brass buckle and tongue
Sword - Specific specifications apply to the Sword, particularly to length of blade (minimum 27”), hilt, and finish
Scabbard – Must be black
Sash – There are many old Provincial and Knight sashes around with a gold fringe, but this fringe can only be worn by a Great Officer

Qualifications to become a
Knight Templar of the United Orders

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Candidates for this Order must be:

  • 1) Craft Master Masons
  • 2) Companions of the Royal Arch
  • 3) Profess the Trinitarian Christian Faith

They are Installed first as Knights of the Temple and then, later on in a separate ceremony, as Knights of Malta. Although the Orders can only claim to have inherited these titles from the knightly fraternities formed during the Crusades, the beautiful and moving ceremonies are based on those early beginnings when a group of Knights were granted a place of habitation within the sacred precincts of King Solomon’s Temple by King Baldwin II of Jerusalem in 1118.

Enquiries re Joining KT should contact the Provincial Vice-Chancellor

Knights of Malta

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Meetings of this Order are held in a Priory and presided over by a Prior.

The Priory is normally only opened either to receive new knights of the Order, or at the installation of the new Prior. This degree of Christian Knighthood recounts the history of the Knights of Malta and their long struggle against the unenlightened. It traces their progress from the time they left Jerusalem until they reached their final home on the island of Malta.

The attention of all candidates is drawn to the presence of five officers who assume the role of personal staff of the Grand Master, while the other officers represent the heads of the eight Langues or Tongues, into which the ancient Order was divided.

An explanation of the traditional history is given as the final part of the ceremony. The ritual has esoteric meaning and invites the candidate to reflect on the meaning of mystical resurrection.

Malta Regalia

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Contact the

Warden of Regalia

as he may be able to acquire these items for you or advise you on what you will need.

Malta Tunic
Malta Mantle
Belt with Frog (as worn in KT)
Sword & Scabbard (as worn in KT)
Gloves/Gauntlets (as worn in KT or optional Malta ones)
Malta Cross Jewel

Changes on becoming a Prior

Prior’s Cap badge

Changes on Appointment as a Provincial Officer

Mantle Badge of Office

Changes on Appointment as a Great Officer

Mantle Badge of Office
Collarette and Jewel

Some irregular items to look out for -

Belt & Frog - Must be brown with a brass buckle and tongue
Sword - Specific specifications apply to the Sword, particularly to length of blade (minimum 27”), hilt, and finish
Scabbard – Must be black

Knights of Malta mantle badges should be applied above the Malta Cross, central to the upper two arms, with the bottom of the badge level with the line of the tops of the two arms.


Qualifications to become a
Knight of Malta

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The ceremony to be a member of this Order takes place sometime after the Candidate has been installed as a Knight Templar and therefore be subject to the same three mandatory requirements of being a Knight Templar.

KT Provincial Websites and KT Links

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Province of West Cheshire

If you find any broken links, additional links or updates please let me know.
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The Templar Hymn

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"For All the Saints Who from Their Labor's Rest"
by William W. How, 1823-1897

1. For all the saints who from their labors rest,
Who Thee by faith before the world confess,
Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest,
Alleluia! Alleluia!

2. Thou wast their Rock, their Fortress, and their Might;
Thou, Lord, their Captain in the well-fought fight;
Thou, in the darkness drear, their one true Light.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

3. Oh, may Thy soldiers, faithful, true and bold,
Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old
And win with them the victor's crown of gold.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

4. O blest communion, fellowship divine,
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;
Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

5. And when the fight is fierce, the warfare long,
Steals on the ear the distant triumph song,
And hearts are brave again, and arms are strong.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

6. But, lo, there breaks a yet more glorious day;
The saints triumphant rise in bright array;
The King of Glory passes on His way.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

7. From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast,
Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host,
Singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Alleluia! Alleluia!

8. The golden evening brightens in the west;
Soon, soon, to faithful warriors cometh rest.
Sweet is the calm of Paradise the blest.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Hymn #463 The Lutheran Hymnal Text: Heb. 12:1
Author: William W. How, 1864, cento
Composer: R. Vaughan Williams, 1906, arr. Tune: "Sine nomine"

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This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


			i = 0;

			while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
			print 'Iteration ' + i;

			print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
